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Director's Note:

Dear colleagues and friends, 

It is hard to believe that our Southshore Study Club is entering its 27th season. As a university without walls for South King County, we have had lots of fun and have made good memories throughout the years. This study club has served our dental community well and has been a true member's club. Our tradition of pursuing excellence in dentistry and in life will indeed continue.

This year, our goal is to offer a comprehensive program that covers everything from occlusion to preparing for legal cases and running a successful practice. Each session will offer 2 CE credits and will alternate between in-person and Zoom formats.

Our journey begins with a kickoff session on Friday, September 13, 2024, featuring a delightful wine tasting and virtual tour of Spain at 5:00 PM. This will be followed by a session on remote billing and legal preparation for investigations. We have planned two in-depth sessions on occlusion with Dr. Allan Sutton, Director of Maxillofacial Prosthesis at the University of Washington. Additionally, Drs. Allen Chen and John Petrini will lead a session on All-on-X treatment planning and complications. Other topics will include managing human resources and treatment planning.​ The session on bruxism and legal overview is available to both dentists and hygienists. The Hygiene study club will offer two additional sessions focused on myofunctional therapy and stress management. This year's program provides well-balanced learning opportunities for our members.

My sincere appreciation goes to our programming committee members Drs. Pantea Nazeman, Rika Ohara, Kyle Blair, Chris Adams, John Petrini, Bob Haeger, and our Southshore Hygiene Study Club Director Jackie Le, RDH, for their great contribution in creating this year's program. 

I am going to use our club's mission statement to conclude this note and start our 27th year: Together, We Prevail! 

Thank you.

Allen Chen, DDS, MSD, FACD 

Director, Southshore Study Club 





Who We Are

In 1998, when we first started our SouthShore Dental Study Club, we wanted to build a university without walls for our dental professionals in the Renton area. 24 years later, not only did we accomplish this goal; we created a concept which benefits our members and guides them towards greater success. To summarize this concept in one word, it is COMPREHENSIVE.

Club Values

Comprehensive treatment planning has always been our club's core value.  In our safe, friendly, and supportive environment, many of us share our own successful and not so successful cases with our peers in order to learn and to improve.  Our members have become more well-rounded in providing patient care, managing practices, and balancing work and life.  Many new dentists have joined our mini-university to become comprehensive dentists.


Our Program

We will continue this tradition in this year's program and focus on helping our members to use their comprehensive knowledge and ability in dealing with daily clinical challenges. 


Following this comprehensive concept, our SouthShore Hygiene Study Club was created to provide a university without walls for a group of our highly motivated dental hygienists.  This club has become an unbelievable value to our local dental hygiene community.


This year our doctor and hygiene club will learn to grow together more than ever.



2024-2025 PROGRAM


Registration for the SouthShore Study Club and SouthShore Hygiene Club has officially begun.  Space is limited so please register early to secure your spot in our program.


Please note that the DDS and RDH programs share some of the classes but not all, so that we can tailor our program to suit both DDS and RDH interests. 


Classes will be held mainly online via Zoom this year; please see the program pages for class descriptions, dates, times and locations.


Registration is required to attend classes. 



Approved PACE Program FAGD/MAGD credit.

Approval does not imply acceptance by a state or

provincial board of dentistry or ADG endorsement.

Provider ID# 215261

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